Wednesday, July 6, 2011


THANK YOU!! Those two words seem hardly adequate to express my appreciation to all who put so much time, energy, sweat, and love into making Arts & Sports Camp the HUGE success that it was. Several people have said to me, "You did a great job!" My response to all is, "I didn't do it alone." There were so many who helped make it happen. The ASC Team worked extremely hard for weeks leading up to Arts & Sports Camp - and worked overtime during the event. The Children's Ministry Development Team worked hard, too. (Several people are on both teams.) The week of camp, there were about 60 people that made it run smoothly. It took every person involved to make it happen. I greatly appreciate each one of you and all you did. I was blessed many times a day by your smiles, encouragement, and expressions of Christ's love to the many children who came to ASC. It was hotter than blue blazes, as my mom would say, but you stayed the course and persevered. The Gospel was presented many times over in many different ways. Seeds were planted in many little hearts. God was and continues to be truly at work through you. Thank you for joining me in Madison Heights first ever Arts & Sports Camp. You're the best!! 

PS Once again I had trouble accessing the blog. I wanted to write this last week!! :)

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