Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wonderful Singing and Playing!!

Our Children's Choir and Junior Praise Team did an EXCELLENT job Sunday evening!! The Children's Choir sang and the Jr Praise Team played and sang - Jonathan Watts on keyboard, Ryan Lindsey on acoustic guitar, and Jacob Sones on acoustic guitar. I am SO proud of our Covenant children, and worshiped with them as they praised the Lord with their voices and talents. I am very excited about our Jr Praise Team!!

Don't forget about the Pumpkin Patch activities on this Friday, Oct 22!!
Friday morning - 9:25, Nichols-Boyd Pumpkin Patch. To carpool, meet at the church at 8:45. I must know the names of your children by this evening. I have to turn that in first thing in the morning. The cost is $6 per person. Each child will take home a pumpkin, experience a hayride, farm animals, and have a snack. Every child must have a completed permission form. I will give those to you Friday morning.
Friday evening - 6:25, Nichols-Boyd Pumpkin Patch. To carpool, meet at the church office at 5:45. I must have a head count by this evening. The cost is $8 per person. We will all experience a hayride, hotdogs, roasting marshmallows, farm animals, and a corn maze. Every child must have completed permission form. I will have them Friday evening.
    You may visit nicholsenterprisesllc.com for more information, directions, and to download a permission form.

Looking forward to our time together!!!

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