Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Best Kids

You know, we have really great kids at Madison Heights Church. In fact, they are the best. Yep. Absolutely. The best. Their parents are great, too. I love being part of the Madison Heights body of Christ. I am thankful that I can call them my family.

If you haven't heard about the Advent Jesse Tree, plan on meeting with Emily Kines and Faith on Sunday, Oct 9 to learn how to jump in that fun adventure. It's a great new Christmas tradition you can start with your family.

A fun-fellowship opportunity is happening Friday, October 7. We're going to Nichols-Boyd Pumpkin Patch in Brandon. Want more info? Email me at sherlie@madisonheightschurch.com or Rebecca at rebaj33@hotmail.com. We need you money and forms by Monday, Oct 3.

Thanks so much!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

That time of year

It is definitely "that time of year." And we're already gearing up for exciting and meaningful activities!

Sept 18- Christmal Celebration Kick-off
October 7 - Trip to Nichols-Boyd Pumpkin Patch (your money and permission form must be received  by Monday, Oct 3.Contact Rebecca Day for info.)
October 9 - informational meeting to learn how you and your children can be involved in the Advent Jesse Tree
October 2 & 16 -  Christmas Celebration rehearsal
October 30 - Fall Festival
November 6(?) & 20 - Christmas Celebration rehearsal (rehearsal dates may change)
November 18 - Appreciation party for all adults involved with Children's Ministry
December 4 - Christmas Celebration rehearsal
December 17 - Christmas Celebration dress rehearsal; Christmas Party
December 18 (evening)- Christmas Celebration

With all those dates, the part I am most excited about is the Christmas Celebration. This will include both children and adults. The children will wear shepherd costumes. It is going to be a glorious celebration of the birth of our Savior through music and narration. It is one of those occasions that you will be immeasurably blessed by being part of. Please, please join us. We need you!!

I'm also excited about The Advent Jesse Tree. Holiday traditions are greatly enjoyed (and often strictly adhered to) by Andrews' family. This will be a new Christmas tradition that I know we will soon cherish. I'm sure you will, too.

Now I have a favor... If you read this blog, will you please let me know? I'm wondering if it does, in fact, get read... Thanks!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Come on and join us!!

Calling all moms and your boys: tomorrow, September 16, at the church office beginning at 4:00 we're going to have a blast!!


is finally here!!

Let me know if you're planning to join us. sherlie@madisonheightschurch.com